Interior Design Business Consulting

Navigating the complexities of a design business can often be daunting. However, with a well-defined system, proper processes in place, and expert advice at your disposal, the journey can become significantly smoother. Our tailor-made services aim to optimize your workflow, amplify your profits, and elevate your client satisfaction levels. Embark on this journey with us to transform and unlock your business's true potential.


Services Overview

1. Workflow Improvement

We will work closely with you to assess your current workflow and identify areas for improvement. This includes analyzing project workflows, streamlining onboarding processes, optimizing your project file organization system, and making recommendations for new softwares that can be useful for your unique business.

2. Financial Analysis

We will review your profits for the past year and the margins on each project. We will also examine your pricing structure to ensure it is optimal for your business growth. Whatever your revenue goals are, we can evaluate what it will take to get you there.

3. Vendor Recommendations

If you are a newer business, you may still be learning about all the wholesalers available to Interior Designers. Based on your unique needs and project types, we will provide you with recommendations for vendors. Our extensive knowledge of the market can help you make the best decisions for your business.

4. Website Copywriting Review

A well-written website can greatly enhance your online presence. Our team will review your website copy, suggest improvements, and ensure that your brand's message is communicated effectively.

5. SEO Analysis

Our team will conduct an SEO analysis to improve your website's ranking in search engine results, which can drive more traffic to your site and ultimately increase your clientele.

6. Monthly Check-Ins

We believe in continuous improvement. Therefore, we offer monthly check-ins to review your progress, address any new challenges, and ensure that you're on track towards achieving your business goals.