Tips for Building Your Resource Library in Your Home Office


Having a collection of surface materials to pull from can keep the flow of your design process going. This is especially important during COVID as everything has moved to the home. You may be working with spatial constraints in your own home office environment, which makes gathering a solid foundation of resourcing and keeping them organized especially important.

FireClay’s Essential Greens Box

FireClay’s Essential Greens Box

1.  Collecting materials

Stock up on your staples. Order a whole set of solid tiles from a company that makes many shapes and patterns- like this one from FireClay. Once you find something that is good quality, getting it in all the colors will allow you to build a library of quality, and proven, materials that you can use again for future projects.  Having a go to on hand for tile is going to save a lot of time running back and forth from your local supplier. You can always venture out for those unique pieces to customize your design to your client’s unique style.

CreateRoom’s DreamBox

CreateRoom’s DreamBox

2. Space Saving 

If you are short on space, the DreamBox is a great solution. We came across this one a few months ago and can’t wait to use it in a client’s space. It would be perfect for organizing art supplies, crafts and toys.Tall storage solutions (up to your ceiling) will allow you to get the most out of your limited space. That’s why we love this DreamBox. You can customize door style and color. Sounds too good to be true…

The Home Edit

The Home Edit

3. Organizing materials- Rainbow Method

This one I am borrowing this one from @HomeEdit (if you haven’t seen their show on Netflix you are missing out!) This takes organizing by color to the next level. It is aesthetically pleasing to display your products organized by the color of the rainbow.

Organizing Fabric Samples-01.jpg
Julia Meylor